Wednesday, September 16, 2009

America,World,The Age...

These views are mine & do not reflect what someone else may be thinking...

America, The World, The Age we are living in is not the Age of 20Th Century.
Times have changed, most think the trigger that changed The U.S.A. were the events of 911. Thou they may have played a part in the digression, of the times, I feel there is maybe a particular event, yet, not this one. It was more around the mid 1990's when America began to change to a degree that many attributes have been lost.
Our news fed to us thru the TV stations has so desensitised us to horror of things like war, theft, killings, ghettoise, greed, perverseness of the Internet, kidnappings etc. the list go's on to the 21st century degenerated peoples & information age of so called knowledge.
We still try to hear the words " God bless America" where once we were a blessed country. " In God we trust" Yes. we do trust God will straighten out our lives in this dark century...yet we are still filled with the knowledge of useless information., exploiting the awful happenings that are accruing everyday inside the the borders of the United States that once would have cause the forefathers to vomit upon their works if they new the outcome of the direction the peoples were heading into, thru out this , now UN blessed country of ours , witch is on the decline of all the wonderful happiness of the past.
Now...we are all waiting to see things straightened out to the better...calling for hope, a wonderful word I agree, needing more than the hope the change to something we are being told is coming in the future. The change is just what...? The way things were? This won't happen, the world will never change., unless men change first., we are entering into a time of spirit, that some are rejecting & some trying to embrace... & some think that all good is the way to think when all things are not good. As I said : just watch & listen to the news...Change may be happening, so slow no one is able to notice., People have to change...not all the Laws .
People can not change when they are old. Youth can adapt to the new norm which to the older is a perverseness growing & getting worse.
Inside everyone knows things are wrong, somewhere. Inside the core of the people making up the U.S.A. the World, the Age we are entering into. Rejection & an unwillingness to see and seek truth is causing the confusion of the unknown reasons why we are digressing into a dark time.
Sooth saying seems to be the attitude of a cure for the ailments of this early 21st century...
This is not the answer., So I say...beware...everyone:
Here is my quote for this blog:
"Knowledge shall be greatly increased, yet the judgement shall stand. "

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